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'love for you now' is a dating site
whose aim is to be simple, principled, local,
and most-of-all .. affordable.

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we believe:
love can't be about big bucks to find it.
connecting you can't be a pursuit of greed.
scamming is wrong ofc. no place for it.
dating site/apps need to be better.
singles looking for connection deserve better.
keep it simple.
paid services reduce scamming.
don't be afraid to be who you are.
you matter. life is meaningful.
people connections are the great joy in life.
be a service that keeps improving.
we are each gifts of God .. we deserve respect.
no fear .. tell the truth about yourself.
mistakes will always be made .. just fix them.
give grace .. no one is righteous.
laugh .. always find the fun.

terms and conditions:
use of this site/service means
you agree with our terms and conditions
as stated in our product offerings.
we tolerate no deception nor bad actors.
we give/sell no data
to any third parties.
your privacy is protected.